Scientific Method

Lecturer (Coordinator):
Andrés Silva
Óscar Dieste


First semester




We often write the word Science with a capital letter, as if it were an ideal, objective, certain, eternal, neutral, substantial truth… and we imagine the term scientific method as 'the road towards science'. But, untainted by idealism, What is science? What is the scientific method?

The aim of this seminar is to help students to analyse these questions personally and make up their own mind considering the many different perspectives.

Inquiry and reflection are the main resources of the seminar.



  1. Introduction to the Scientific Method

Tuition Language



from 16 October to 4 December 2024


Code, description and proficiency level for each competence
Code Competence Proficiency Level
CG1 Students can apply the acquired knowledge and their problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study C
CG18 Effective communication skills, possibly also in international contexts C
CG19 Systematic approach to risk management C
CGI21 Understanding of the procedure, value and limits of the scientific method in the software and systems field, as well as identification, location and collection of data required to research, design and lead analytical, modelling and experimental research, and critically appraise data and interpret findings C
CGI22 Appreciation of the importance of and management of documentary sources, and search for information to develop research of any kind C
CGI23 Ability to read, understand and catalogue publications within their field of study/research, as well as appreciate their scientific value C
CGI24 Students have essential knowledge about research and technology transfer funding, as well as the legislation on data protection applicable to the conduct of research and the legal protection of results C

Learning Outcomes

Code, description and proficiency level for each subject learning outcome
Code Learning Outcome Associated competences Proficiency level
RA-MC-1 Ability to formulate the necessary requirements to implement a scientifically rigorous research process aimed at reducing the gap between a potentially promising idea and its real-world validation CG1, CGI21 C
RA-MC-2 Ability to evaluate the best scientific and scientific-technical options, methods and tools for the research to be undertaken CG18, CGI21 C
RA-MC-3 Familiarity with, application and critical appraisal of the literature concerning a research topic for use to promote or lay the groundwork for a new idea and its associated research process CGI22, CGI23 C
RA-MC-4 Ability to plan a research project detailing the process, method, workload, goals, costs, times and risks associated with a scientifically rigorous research task and developed in international settings in partnership with other public and private institutions CGI24, CGI18, CGI19 C

Learning Guide

Learning Guide: Scientific Method