Cloud Computing and Big Data Ecosystems Design

Lecturer (Coordinator):
Marta Patiño
Tonghong Li
Ainhoa Azqueta


First semester




This course presents architectures for scalable distributed systems and data management systems: map-reduce, bigtable, data streaming, persistent queues.


  1. Introduction
  2. Data management technologies
    1. NoSQL: key-value, graph databases, document-oriented databases
    2. SQL and NewSQL: column-oriented data stores
    3. Complex event processing/Data streaming
  3. Data streaming
  4. Bigtable. Dynamo
  5. Big data and cloud data management ecosystems design

Recommended Reading


  • Java programming, concurrent programming, databases.

Lecture Theatre


Tuition language


Subject-Specific Competences

Code, description and proficiency level for each subject-specific competence
Code Competence Proficiency Level
CEM2 Analysis and synthesis of solutions to problems requiring innovative approaches to the definition of the computational infrastructure, processing and analysis of heterogeneous data types S
CEM4 Analysis and evaluation of several software-based systems construction and management engineering paradigms and approaches S
CEM6 Investigation of the main active research lines in the field of distributed computing paradigms, their practical applications and necessary infrastructure management S

Learning Outcomes

Code, description and proficiency level for each subject learning outcome
Code Learning Outcome Associated competences Proficiency level
RA-SRSD-49 Awareness of the principal distributed systems research lines CEM2, CEM4, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-50 Ability to locate and identify seminal articles on the distributed systems research field CEM2, CEM4, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-51 Ability to study and analyse a new distributed systems research area CEM2, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-52 Ability to relate an emerging distributed system research line to the foundations of distributed systems CEM2, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-53 Ability to identify the principal challenges addressed by an emerging distributed systems research line CEM2, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-54 To know synchronous characterization of distributed systems and protocol solving possibilities. CEM6 C
RA-SRSD-55 To know main protocols of coordination and agreement. CEM6 C
RA-SRSD-56 To know reliable radiation: types, properties and protocols. CEM6 C
RA-SRSD-57 Awareness of the main transactional systems CEM2, CEM4, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-58 Awareness of the main data concurrency control and recovery protocols CEM2, CEM4, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-59 Awareness of the main data replication protocols and of correctness processes and criteria CEM2, CEM4, CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-60 Ability to understand research articles on the distributed systems research field CEM2, CEM6 S

Learning Guide

Learning Guide: Cloud Computing and Big Data Ecosystems Design