Service-Oriented Computing

Lecturer (Coordinator):
Francisco Javier Soriano
Adrián Mora


First semester




Services are a fundamental element of the new link economy and are expected to become the groundwork for almost all business and governmental activities, such as electronic commerce within and across organizational boundaries, business applications, telecommunications systems, energy and services, health, travel and entertainment, etc.

The emergence of service-oriented computing (SOC) as a new computational paradigm has turned services into fundamental software components, exposed through networked interfaces to programming platforms and languages and used to compose potentially complex, distributed applications from weakly coupled components.

SOC brings with it the visionary promise to reduce software complexity and costs, speed up time to market, improve reliability and increase user accessibility to business and government services. For SOC to make the big time in the economic arena, however, the ICT industry needs to tackle some well-known technical challenges. This subject will deal with these challenges, including the provision of a scalable and effective service-oriented infrastructure.

To make the SOC promise come true, the first step is to design service-oriented architectures (SOAs) and develop SOA middleware. This is the prerequisite for developing simpler and cheaper distributed applications to support almost any business process in any organizational structure or user context. This subject will deal with the most significant recent advances in the field from the complementary viewpoints of academia and industry. To do this, students will explore research approaches, technology and topics related to the development of SOAs.

The latest advances in cloud computing have demonstrated the potential for developing service orientation to unprecedented heights. Thanks to increasingly powerful and sophisticated service and platform technology, service-oriented solutions can be hosted, virtualized, distributed and scaled at unparalleled levels. However, there are major challenges and obstacles blocking the road towards adopting and using cloud computing techniques and technologies, especially cloud-based services as support for SOAs and SOC. This subject will deal with the convergence of SOAs and cloud computing. Emergent technologies and practices for the adoption of SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to enable the design of service-oriented solutions will be detailed.

Learning Goals

  • Be aware of the most significant recent advances by the research community and industry concerning SOA and middleware for SOA, exploring approaches, technology and research topics related to SOA development
  • Be aware of the major technical challenges that the ICT industry needs to solve for SOC to make the big time in the economic arena, such as the need for a scalable and effective service-oriented infrastructure
  • Have a good idea of the emergent technologies and practices as a result of the convergence between SOA and cloud computing for the adoption of SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) as support for the design of service-oriented solutions


  1. Research skills and resources
    1. Research methodology
    2. Writing technical and scientific papers
    3. Reference management
    4. Conference, journal, etc. and bibliographical resources
    5. Projects and other research initiatives
    6. Standardization bodies and initiatives
  2. Introduction to SOA and the SOC paradigm
    1. Service-oriented architecture
    2. Paradigm shift to SOC
  3. Service-oriented systems
    1. Introduction
    2. State of the technology
    3. State of the research
    4. Research challenges
  4. Service ecosystems and provider frameworks
    1. Introduction
    2. State of the technology
    3. State of the research
    4. Research challenges
  5. Cloud computing platform services
    1. Introduction
    2. State of the technology
    3. State of the research
    4. Research challenges
  6. Convergence between SOA and event-driven architectures (EDA)
    1. Introduction
    2. State of the technology
    3. State of the research
    4. Research challenges

Recommended reading

Tuition language


Subject-Specific Competences

Code, description and proficiency level for each subject-specific competence
Code Competence Proficiency Level
CEM2 Analysis and synthesis of solutions to problems requiring innovative approaches to the definition of the computational infrastructure, processing and analysis of heterogeneous data types S
CEM4 Analysis and evaluation of several software-based systems construction and management engineering paradigms and approaches S
CEM6 Familiarity with distributed computing principles and paradigms, practical applications and infrastructure management, as well as the major research lines active in the field S

Learning Outcomes

Code, description and proficiency level for each subject learning outcome
Code Learning Outcome Associated competences Proficiency level
RA-SRSD-61 Understanding of the foundations of the service-oriented computing paradigm and comprehension of how it compares with and what strengths it has over other existing paradigms CEM4, CME6 A
RA-SRSD-62 Ability to analyse and design applications from a service-oriented approach CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-63 Ability to dynamically create services to support new distributed business processes CEM6 S
RA-SRSD-64 Ability to develop an IT management and governance framework in a particular SOA environment CEM6 A

Learning Guide

Learning Guide: Service-Oriented Computing